Take the guesswork out of home decorating with the starter kit generator. You don’t need to be an interior designer to achieve the look and feel you want.
My Roles
UX/UI Designer | UX Researcher
The Google Ventures (GV) design sprint allows companies to build and test a prototype in just five days. This rapid approach is a smarter and more efficient way of problem-solving and any invested time is not seen as wasted. Traditionally, the sprint consists of full, 8-hour workdays, but I conducted a modified version that condensed a sprint day into a few hours.
House2Home, an e-commerce website that sells small, budget-friendly home décor items and accessories, wants to make it easier for customers to have confidence in decorating their homes. Ideally, House2Home’s website helps customers search, choose, and purchase items to decorate their place, all within budget.
Moving into a brand new apartment is exciting but also overwhelming. You have a place to live, but how can you make it feel like home? Decorating can make a world of a difference but can be challenging if you don’t have a background in interior design or have a tight budget.
House2Home sees an opportunity for people to find a great “starter kit” of items to instantly decorate their new place.
Create a starter kit generator, based on customer input of preferences and constraints. The House2Home customer would be prompted to complete a quiz to get inspiration as well as define specific needs and desires. Customers will be able to purchase the kit as is or choose to combine the three options.
Design Sprint
Day 1 - Understanding/Mapping
To start off the design sprint, I needed to know who I was designing for and to identify common behaviors and goals. Participants of the House2Home study were asked to do the following:
“Tell us about a time you shopped for items to decorate your new home or apartment.”
Age: 27-31
Decorate themselves
Have a budget
Research DIYs and look & feel
Research Insights
People want to stay within budget
People are overwhelmed by the decisions
People want personalization to their own home not just a staged example
People have an idea already in mind but don’t know how to execute it
People browse websites like Pinterest to get inspiration
After synthesizing the research, I created a persona to represent the thoughts and behaviors of a potential user.
23, Newly Graduated
Status: Single
Location: Chicago
Archetype: Explorer
Ally graduated college last month, and has moved into her first rented apartment. She’s really excited to decorate her space to make it her “own.” Ally has lots of ideas but does not know how to execute what she’s envisioning.
“I put aside time to shop for decorating but get overwhelmed quickly.”
Give apartment a quick “facelift” without too much shopping
Find decorative items within budget to give desired look and feel
Don’t know the right things to buy to achieve my look
Decorative pieces that I like are way too expensive
Want to have an impact but without big changes
Don’t know if the pieces I like will look good together
I created a user journey that mapped out the end-to-end experience that Ally might encounter.
Day 2 - Sketching
Existing Solutions
There are a number of entities that specialize in home décor and interior design. Users can visit their websites or download their apps to design and shop for various products. However, not all of the entities cater to users who are new to interior design or have a budget. House2Home aims to provide users with the best experience that removes as many obstacles as possible.
Crazy 8’s Exercise
I sketched ideas for when users input preferences and constraints.
Combination of Sketch 3 and 4
I chose to combine sketch 3 and 4 to create a preference quiz that, based on the user’s answers, generates a starter kit.
Day 3 - Creating a Storyboard
Finalized Sketch
For this solution, I combined a quiz with the starter kit generator that takes into consideration the preferences and constraints of the user. Given that users are overwhelmed when making decisions but have a sense of what they want, this solution will help remove some obstacles.
The House2Home user would be prompted by a popup that suggests the quiz to get inspiration as well as prompt the user for their specific needs and desires. Once the user finishes the quiz, the user will specify their budget, style, purpose for the décor, etc. House2Home will then generate three starter kit options that each contain a number of items. Users will be able to take the kit as is or choose and combine across the three options. Users can even redo the quiz if they do not like any of the chosen items.
Day 4 - Building a Prototype
The House2Home prototype simulates the quiz that a new customer would be prompted to take on the website. Suggested on the home screen, the quiz is for anyone who wants to decorate their space but needs the initial guidance and inspiration. This solution takes away the burden of those who are not experienced in interior design.
Have users seamlessly go through the flow
Make sure the questions are detailed enough to gather preferences
Note any delights or obstacles with the navigation and overall design
Home Screen
Recommended Starter Kits
Checkout Screen
Quiz (9 Questions)
Choice to Create Custom Kits
Order Confirmation
Day 5 - Validating Designs
I tested out my prototype with five individuals who currently rent their apartments/homes and expressed interest in redecorating their spaces. All the interviews were done virtually through a video call with the participant sharing their screen as they tested the prototype.
Age: 24-29
Rents an apartment or home
Has a budget
Enjoys decorating
Spaces are all relative to people, there needs to be a question for the user to disclose the size of the room
Users expressed a need for an option to readjust the budget
Users expressed a need for an option if one doesn’t like any of the recommended options
Not all users are aware of certain categories or interior design terms
Use of space might be worth noting as a question, decorating could revolve around activities done within space
Prototype Performance
All participants found delight in allowing House2Home take on the burden of choosing the right pieces for their home. Some adjustments need to be made to the processes and functionality, but the general “preferences and starter kit generator” was well-received.
Not everyone is gifted with an eye for interior design. House2Home has taken a step towards being more accommodating and filling the need through the “starter kits.”
Next Steps
In terms of other features, augmented reality is a space I wish to explore. Allowing the customers to see the items in a similar space or their very own home would give them even confidence to purchase the recommended items.
E-commerce is continuing to grow and in-person shopping is no longer a necessity. Bringing an immersive experience to the customer needs to be a priority for any business to survive. I am confident that the rollout of this new quiz/starter kit generator feature is a step in the right direction for House2Home.